
created fall/winter of 2024 alongside my research as a part of bennington’s MFA LR dance program

performance by andrea agostini, ashleigh mcgown, kiki carruth, olivia best, and jahnell boozer

presented december 6th + 7th (2024) at fidget space in philadelphia, pa

this piece is a starting place

this is a beginning that does not seek an end
but instead a beyond.

lately, i have been curious how we can move with
a radical openness where movement becomes
a vehicle to mobilize resilience,
transformation, and defiance

this is a dance that takes place
on fertile ground where each breath,
step, and gesture become interconnected
and we begin to reimagine the world
together through each other,
our identities, and our histories

in this dance, we begin again,
and again, and again—
because each beginning holds
within it the possibility of another